
Válvula de Mariposa de Aluminio de 1 Piezas con Disco de Acero Inoxidable

Opciones de Productos

# de Parte
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  • 4A-400-002500
  • 3-400-002500
  • 5-400-002500
  • 3-480-3501
  • All
  • Ball Bearings: Carbon Steel"
  • Dixon's swivel joints are found in blending plants, drum filling applications, fluid and dry bulk transfer, vacuum trucks, oil and gas trucks and water trucks. Larger swivels can be found in the steel industry, marine bulk transfer and many more."
  • Finish: 2 stage epoxy paint"
  • All
  • Hule de nitrilo negro
  • Hule de nitrilo blanco
  • All
  • Aluminio
Ball Bearings: Carbon Steel"
Hule de nitrilo negro
Dixon's swivel joints are found in blending plants, drum filling applications, fluid and dry bulk transfer, vacuum trucks, oil and gas trucks and water trucks. Larger swivels can be found in the steel industry, marine bulk transfer and many more."
Hule de nitrilo negro
Finish: 2 stage epoxy paint"
Hule de nitrilo negro
Dixon's swivel joints are found in blending plants, drum filling applications, fluid and dry bulk transfer, vacuum trucks, oil and gas trucks and water trucks. Larger swivels can be found in the steel industry, marine bulk transfer and many more."
Hule de nitrilo blanco